Hemp Oil Benefits

The active ingredients in Cannabis directly interact with a complex network of receptors in the human body called Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Think of it as a system of docking sites located in the brain and throughout the body, specifically designed to interact with cannabinoid-type substances. The receptors in the ECS are the most prevalent neuro-receptors in the brain and are prolific in the immune system, organs, bones and skin.

Anxiety Relief

Many popular anti-anxiety meds are SSRIs. CBD for many, may be an alternative to SSRIs for anxiety management. However, you should talk to your doctor before making changes to your treatment plan.

A Wide Range of Benefits

The ECS affects appetite, sleep, energy balance, metabolism, stress response, immune function, muscle spasticity, reproduction, neurogenesis, and pain – almost everything causing lifestyle and health issues in the human body.


Researchers are looking at a receptor in the brain (CB1) researching ways that CBD can help people with neurodegenerative disorders that cause the brain and nerves to deteriorate over time.

Chronic Pain Relief

Research compiling the results of multiple system-atic trials concluded that there is substantial evidence that CBD is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.


Studies show that cannabis is over 20x stronger as an anti-inflammatory than aspirin, and 2x stronger than prescription hydro-cor-tisone. The two most investigated are THC and CBD.

Chronic Pain Relief

Research compiling the results of multiple system-atic trials concluded that there is substantial evidence that CBD is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.

All Natural Lock & Key

Think of the ECS like a lock-and-key system inside your body. The lock (or internal receptors) is always present, waiting for the key. we know of two forms of “keys” that can activate the receptor: endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found in the human body. Phytocannabinoids are plant based cannabinoids that interact with the body the same way the cannabinoids are produced in your body. It’s the phytocannabinoids found in cannabis that make up typical formulas.